Yoga, Embodied movement & meditation
Private Yoga Sessions (in person or via Zoom)
These Yoga sessions are either for people who want a private guided flow or can be a pre-designed class, or are for people who want to dive a little deeper into yoga, its purpose, and the movements. We will set up a free 15-minute discovery session to see your intentions and follow this session with a yoga practice that is most supportive for you and where you are in life. These sessions can be done online via zoom, in your home, or at my studio. Group Size: 9 or fewer
Small Group Sessions (in person or via Zoom)
In these sessions, they are a bit less specific to each person's needs and desires than the group. We can do these online or in someone's home. Group Size: 9 or fewer
Large Group Sessions/Retreats (in person or via Zoom)
In these sessions, they are a bit less specific to each person's needs and desires than the group. These sessions are done at your location of choice. Group Size: 9+
Enlightened Sleep/Yoga Nidra Sessions (individual, small or large group)
Yoga Nidra is an ancient sleep-based meditation technique that has the power to take you to the innermost, most profound levels of relaxation where your whole body and being is permeated by peace of mind and profound stillness. It unlocks the mystical, integrative powers of the subconscious and your higher centers of consciousness to effortlessly erase your most tenacious, self-destructive habits and behavior patterns.
Learn to Meditate
These sessions help empower you to discover the peace that lies within all of us. By learning how to meditate, you can discover how to find the calm in the business of your life.