We See that within every person there is a light. This light may be dimmed when buried under life’s burdens, but when we are able to rise up and meet life, feeding the fire in our hearts, that light can become so bright as to be radiant. The more of us are living our lives lit up this way, the brighter and clearer and warmer the world becomes. We endeavor to help people lay down the burdens they do not need to carry, to help people connect to their inner strength to bear the burdens they must, and to inspire people to stoke their fire and shine their light so the world around them can See.
Core Values
Bearing Witness
There is tremendous power in being SEEN. Profoundly, lovingly witnessing someone in their full humanity, and accepting them as they are.
Whole Being
No part of you is disconnected. Even when we appear to focus, the care of one part is the care of the whole, and we endeavor to care for the whole with intention.
Empowering Personal Engagement
We cannot do the real work for those in our care. We are facilitators, we make healing more accessible. We foster personal engagement so that our clients can be active agents in their own lives.

(475) 308 - 0808
652 Boston Post Road, Suite #4
Guilford, Connecticut, 06437